Mandalas. 2011
Mandala V. Marble, Venetian smalto, enamel, brick, ceramic, stone, shell. ø= 60 cm.
Mandala I. Marble, Venetian smalto, enamel, brick, ceramic, stone, shell. ø= 60 cm.
Mandala II (Sat Nam). Marble, Venetian smalto, enamel, brick, ceramic, stone, shell. ø= 60 cm.
Emotional vegetable garden. 2009
Verdolaga humilde. Marble, yute. 58 x 46 cm.
Chirivía. Marble, brick, yute. 58 x 46 cm.
Paralel landscapes. 2009
Collocation: This work consists in a mosaics group horizontally situated over white stands.
Total dimensions: 85 x 670 x 40 cm.
- Stands: made of wood and white painted
- Mosaics: Marble, brick, tile, wire (changeable depending on the piece)
Quantity: 8 mosaics over 8 stands
Dimension of each element:
- Stands: 85 x 40 x 40 cm.
- Mosaics: 40 x 40 cm.
- Space between stands: 50 cm
Giorno di lana in Brussa. Marble, brick, yute, wire
Disfunzioni a San Lorenzo. Marble, brick
Dondolando verso Daraphani. Marble, brick, wire
Entre l'Elefant i la Mòmia. Marble, brick
Puja nei Ghat. Marble, brick, ceramic
In Piazza a Settimo. Marble, brick, wire
Dorsoduro dei Sogni. Marble, brick, wire
Con i piedi nel fosso a Marignana. Marble, brick
Scintille di tinte ottobrine 2007
Marble, brick, tile, wire. 110 x 42 cm.
Passaggio a est 2007. Marble, brick, tile. 70 x 90 cm.
Traffico di mare 2007
Marble, brick, tile, ceramic, volcanic stone, wire. 90 x 40 cm.
Haveli 2006. Marble, tile. 70 x 70 cm.
La sombra del perfume 2006. Marble, brick, tile, volcanic stone, shell. 30 x 76, cm.
Jardines que penden dentro de tu alma 2006
Marble, brick, tile, ceramic, volcanic stone, dried flowers. ø= 60 cm.
Assolo 2006
Marble, brick, tile, copper, volcanic stone, glass. 45 x 53 cm.
Esco 2006. Marble, brick, tile, yute, root. 48,5 x 51 cm.
Invisibilitá. 2004. Marble, brick, tile, wire (changeable depending on the piece)
Total dimensions: 42 x 116 cm.
Dimensions of each element:
- Mosaics: 42 x 32 cm.
- Space between mosaics: 10 cm.
Trama e ordito. Marble, wire
Lost. Marble, wire, gold
Spore. Marble, wire
Equinozio silvano 2004. Marble, brick, volcanic stone, dried flower, wood. 82.5 x 33 cm.
Goccia 2004. Marble, root. 72 x 90 cm.
Clandestino 2003. Marble. 32 x 25 cm.
Mandala preghiera 2002. Marble, brick, Venetian smalto, gold. ø = 80 cm.
Stele 1999
Marble, brick, Venetian smalto, stone. 28 x 12 cm.